101Smart Ltd.

Efficacy Assessment Of Biocidal Products Against Urban Pests In The Frame Of Regulation (Ue) 528/2012

Author(s): N. Haddache, I. Attig, C. Billault, M. Brizard, Y. Maximilien and A. Muffat-Joly
Year: 2022
Keywords: biocides, regulation, efficacy, resistance, urban pests

Biocidal products are necessary for the control of harmful urban pests to human or animal health and for the
control of those that cause damage to natural or manufactured materials. Urban pests are mainly controlled by biocides from Product-type (PT) 8 (wood preservatives), PT14 (rodenticides), PT18 (insecticides) and PT19 (repellents).The making available on the market and the use of biocidal products (any means than mere physical and mechanical action) are framed by Regulation (UE) 528/2012. The purpose of this Regulation is to improve the free movement of biocidal products within the EU while ensuring a high level of protection of both human and animal health and, the environment. In addition to risk assessment for humans and environment, the evaluating body (ANSES in France) assesses if: The biocidal product is sufficiently effective: the assessment is carried out to determine whether the claims made for the product are substantiated by suitable efficacy data submitted by the applicant. The biocidal product has no unacceptable effects on the target organisms, in particular resistance or cross-resistance or unnecessary suffering and pain for vertebrates: the possibility of the development of resistance or cross-resistance of the target organism to
an active substance in the biocidal product is assessed. When the development of resistance is likely, actions to minimize the consequences of this resistance shall be considered. This may involve modifications of the conditions under which an authorisation is given. Efficacy studies and resistance assessment should be performed according to Union guidelines if available and applicable, or other appropriate methods. Conclusions as to the performance of the biocidal product must be valid for all these as of proposed use in the Member states or where appropriate in the Union. For this purpose, efficacy assessment and guidelines are peer-reviewed at the Efficacy working groups of the European Chemical Agency.

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