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The most common species of bed bugs in the world is Cimex lectularius Linnaeus, 1758. This species prefers to feed on human blood and causes several health effects like skins rashes, psychological effects and allergic symptoms. In the developed world bed bugs were largely eradicated as pests in the ...
Many species of termites have increased their range to urban areas where wood is used as building material for houses, buildings and furniture, therefore, have been considered urban pests. In Colombia, the fauna and problems caused by termites are virtually unknown. There are few reports on inventor...
Heterotermes convexinotatus (Snyder 1924) belongs to the group of subterranean termites, it is regarded as an important pest in passion fruit and corn crops in Venezuela and Colombia, it has also been found in Citrus orchards at the Caribbean coast of Colombia. In urban zones it had only been report...