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ICUP Proceedings Search

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Showing 2 results

An Innovative Cholecalciferol Rodenticide Bait
Sharon Hughes | Full Paper | 2022

Alternatives to anticoagulants have presented limitations in their use and/or efficacy. BASF have developed a non-anticoagulant rodenticide bait containing cholecalciferol (vitamin D3). A beneficial feature of cholecalciferol is that it is effective against all anticoagulant resistant strains of rat...

Development Of An Innovative Cholecalciferol Rodenticide Bait
S. Hughes | Poster | 2022

BASF have developed a non-anticoagulant rodenticide soft bock bait, Selontra® (0.075 % cholecalciferol). In mammals, cholecalciferol toxicity causes death by hypercalcemia - the calcification of soft tissues such as heart, kidney, liver, stomach (inducing a stop-feeding effect). The resulting “stop-...