ICUP Proceedings Search
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Cyantraniliprole is a novel insecticide that belongs to the anthranilic diamide class of insecticides. The novel mode of action of cyantraniliprole depletes calcium from insect muscle, affecting muscle contraction, causing paralysis and eventually death. We report the results of testing of two formu...
Odorous house ant, Tapinoma sessile Say, is a pest ant with global distribution. The common name is derived from the emission of a substance with an odor similar to that of butyric acid. Polygynous colonies often associated with notably dynamic populations and multiple nesting sites make odorous hou...
Determining termiticide performance has, historically, been conducted by assessing attack of wooden boards placed over treated soil. This method was developed by the USDA-FS Gulfport laboratory, and is referred to as the ground-board test. A modification of this involves pouring concrete over the tr...