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ICUP Proceedings Search

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Showing 2 results

Efficacy Of A Polydimethylsiloxane Formulation Against Urban Mosquito Pests In The Uk
John Simmons | Full Paper | 2017

The silicon-based, monomolecular film, mosquito control product Aquatain was introduced into an on-going programme to control Culex pipiens molestus, in a partially flooded undercroft, in September 2015. The impact on the control programme is reviewed in this study. Application of Aquatain was far s...

Controlling House Mice In The Food Industry

In recent years we have lost many rodenticide products, and seen increased regulatory restrictions on the way in which remaining products may be used. In the food industry, client-imposed restrictions further limit usage options. House mice (Mus domesticus) remain a major challenge to control, even ...