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The diversity and abundance of different blood-sucking insects was studied in the three main cities of the Basque Country region (northern Spain). Sampling took place in one green area and one cemetery from each city, where two CDC-light traps baited with CO2 were placed fortnightly from May to Octo...
Tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) has colonized large areas in the Iberian Peninsula, mainly in the Spanish Mediterranean strip. Its ecological plasticity and new mechanisms of dispersion, among which the communication routes stand out, has allowed it to colonize multiple and dispersed urban areas. ...
Alate ants are being collected in two urban green areas of the city of São Paulo, differing in their distances to natural Atlantic Forest remnants, in order to characterize the species diversity and the importance of urban parks in the maintenance of such diversity. Ants of the genus Camponotus are ...
Commercial ultra violet light traps for flying insect control are commonplace and provide an effective means of monitoring and providing reduction in populations of house flies (Musca domestica L) in cases where exclusion is difficult or impossible. Catch rate investigations were undertaken in labor...
Heterotermes convexinotatus (Snyder 1924) belongs to the group of subterranean termites, it is regarded as an important pest in passion fruit and corn crops in Venezuela and Colombia, it has also been found in Citrus orchards at the Caribbean coast of Colombia. In urban zones it had only been report...
Multiyear studies describing the effects of tree size and initial infestation on efficacy of imidacloprid (Merit 75 WSP) soil drenches against emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis (Fairmaire), were initiated in spring 2004 at two locations in Michigan. Eighty-five green ash trees (Fraxinus pennsyl...