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ICUP Proceedings Search

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Showing 2 results

Mortality Of Blattella Germanica Females With Ootheca After Ingestion Of Insecticide In Gel Formulation And Emergence Of Nymphs

Cockroaches are of the great importance in public health. Blattella germanica is the main specie that infests commercial kitchens and industrial kitchens, due to conditions for their development. One of the methods to control B. germanica is the use of insecticides in the gel bait formulation. The o...

Mortality Of Tityus Serrulatus After Exposition Of Porous Surface Treated With Inseticides

Yellow scorpion Tityus serrulatus has a widely distribution in populations areas of Brazil facility for parthenogenesis reproduction and with major seriousness potential of poisoning. T. serrulatus is frequently found in cemetery device Periplaneta americana population present in this area. The obje...