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The Changing Role Of The Urban Entomologist In The Development And Launch Of Consumer Pest Control Products

Author(s): S. Clark
Year: 2022
Keywords: startup, product development, retail insect control, marketing

Behind every successful insect control product sold today is an idea that started in the mind of a trained
Urban Entomologist. Among the attendees of the ICUP 2022 conference are numerous examples of Entomologists who's lab and field has allowed the creation of innovative and successful home insect control products around the world. Stewart has been working with creative urban entomologists for 45 years and has developed numerous successful professional and consumer insect control product and delivery systems. In this Poster he will highlight some surprising examples of real world products and share examples of why certain ones succeeded and others failed. The Poster will also give real world examples of how the online explosion has changed how Homeowners get their pest control products and more importantly obtain their instructions on how to safely apply pesticides around the home. Urban Entomologists could play an even greater role in providing accurate and environmentally sound education to the emerging online consumers. The products and delivery systems that will be used by homeowners around the world will change and as a group, entomologists can guide users to products with greater efficacy and safety. 1. Understanding the Target Insect and the Target Consumer2. Efficacy is always important but it may not guarantee success on the shelf.3. Designing an Efficient Delivery System4. Simple Branding and Brand Messaging5. Pricing, Packaging, Promotion and Fulfillment. Where does one start?6. Opportunities to take YOUR IDEA and create
anproduct. Online changes to how we reach consumers. The idea of launching a Startup brand or product is popular in todays culture. It also is possible now to take a simple insect control idea from the lab to the end use customer using Social Media and Distribution Supply Chains that did not exist 15 years ago. Regulations and barriers to entry for Startups in the Chemical Control Business still exist but even these can be "out sourced" today. For years the ICUP has focused on basic urban pest research. Are we entering a time when we can do more as a group? Would it be possible for us to take our work and knowledge explore the idea of sharing it with a wider audience.

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