101Smart Ltd.

Mortality Of Tityus Serrulatus After Exposition Of Porous Surface Treated With Inseticides

Author(s): F.J. Zorzenon, A.M.D. Alencar, G.M. Franco and M.R. Potenza
Year: 2022
Keywords: tityus serrulatus, bendiocarb, bifenthrin, lambda-cyhalothrin, propoxur

Yellow scorpion Tityus serrulatus has a widely distribution in populations areas of Brazil facility for
parthenogenesis reproduction and with major seriousness potential of poisoning. T. serrulatus is frequently found in cemetery device Periplaneta americana population present in this area. The objective of this work is to evaluate the mortality of T. serrulatus after exposition to cement surface treated with 2.5% Lambda-cyhalothrin (Demand 2.5 CS®), Bifenthrin (Bifentol 200 SC®), 80% Bendiocarb (Ficam® VC) and 20% Propoxur (Propoxil®) sprayed on a 17cm x 17cm cement surface in recommended dosages. Two hours after the application, 10 T. serrulatus field population adults were exposed on the treated surface for 20 minutes with five repetitions for each treatment. The mortality was evaluated with 1, 2, 3, 4, 24, 48 and 72 hours after exposition. Lambda-cyhalothrin obtained 100% of efficacy with 2 hours and propoxur with 4 hours. The maxim efficacy of Bifenthrin and Bendiocarb obtained 92% with 4 and 24 hours, respectively. Was observed irritability and intensive handling in scorpions on surface contact with Lambda-cyhalothrin and Bifenthrin. The results obtained can aid in the integrated control of yellow scorpion in porous surface.

Poster Abstract