101Smart Ltd.

Lessons Of The Biocidal Directive And Of The Regulation

Author(s): J. Szilágyi, A.E. Kósa Tass and D. Bajomi
Year: 2022
Keywords: directive, regulation, active substance, dossier preparation, renewals

It will be twenty years in 2022 that the notifications of active substances had began in Europe. Companies
mainly from Europe and a few elsewhere have notified a bit more than 1650 actives under the 21 Product Type groups. Today there are only some 450 actives left in the system. What has happened during these 20 years? Did the European law makers achieve their goals set at the time? Do we use less biocides, had Europe become cleaner, less infested and infected with pets and chemicals? What where the costs and it the outcome in line with the original expectations and desires? Did the biocidal industry benefit from the biocidal regulations and do the European people feel better of using perhaps less chemicals? Even after 20 years, the right communication of the biocides to the general public and to professionals even, has remained very poor. The presentation wishes to highlight what we have today, what we have lost, where we are with the available tools and also tries to summarize a few lessons and predict the future.

Poster Abstract