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ICUP Proceedings Search

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Showing 2 results

The Grey Silverfish And Other Species Of Lepismatidae In Austrian Museums
Pascal Querner | Full Paper | 2022

Silverfish (Lepisma saccarinum) are described as a pest to museum and paper objects and mainly occur in damp and humid conditions. They can damage paper, starchy materials, wall paper, but in some cases also insect collections and textiles. The firebrat (Thermobia domesticum) is also described in th...

Biological Control With Larval Parasitoid Lariophagus Distinguendus In Museums And Historic Buildings
Pascal Querner | Full Paper | 2017

In this paper the biological control of biscuit beetle (Stegobium paniceum) and spider beetle (Gibbium psylloides) found in different museums, historic buildings and a monastery library in Austria is described. Six case studies are presented where the insect pest monitoring with sticky blunder traps...