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Rising Summer Temperatures Favour Spread Of House Centipede, Scutigera Coleoptrata (Chilopoda), In Central Europe

Author(s): 1Klaus Zimmermann and 2Gabi Mueller
Year: 2022
Keywords: neozoa, climate change, thermophilic species, citizen science

The house centipede (Scutigera coleoptrata) is a thermophilic species mainly distributed in the Mediterranean region. This nocturnal predator kills its pray with toxic bites. As early as shortly after the last Ice Age it has settled in the “Kaiserstuhl”, one of the warmest regions in Germany. Proceeding from these first settlements it has established autochthonous populations in the entire region along the Upper and Middle Rhine. In the past 20 years, an increasing spread has been detected in the northeastern parts of Switzerland and around Lake Constance. Actual climate data suggest that this spread is favoured by rising summer temperatures. Due to its hidden way of life and its low population densities, it is nearly impossible to get scientific data about S. coleoptrata. Alternative methods of cartography had to be applied. Citizen Science Appeals were published; articles from yellow press, postings from social media as well as pictures from photo-platforms were analyzed to get the demanded information.

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