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Response In Front Of Outbreaks And Epidemics Caused By Vector Borne Diseases, The Ecdc Experience

Author(s): Josep M Jansa
Year: 2022
Keywords: outbreak, vector borne diseases, preparedness, response

Outbreaks of vector borne diseases represent a major challenge for preparedness and response to infectious diseases. The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control supports the investigation of outbreaks of infectious diseases detected within the European Union/Economic European Area and internationally. We summarize several ECDC contributions to investigate a dengue outbreak in Madeira (Portugal), a yellow fever epidemic in Angola, a plague outbreak in Madagascar and an investigation on community preparedness, following the detection of two cases of Crimea Congo in Spain. In the mentioned examples, ECDC contributed to the investigation of the outbreaks and epidemics, by supporting the activities performed by the national authorities in charge of the investigations. ECDC’s contribution to preparedness and response to outbreaks and epidemics of vector borne diseases represents a valuable support to the affected countries and it comes as a result of the cooperation between experts from emergency and vector borne diseases together with those of preparedness and response.

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