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ICUP Proceedings Search

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Showing 49 results

Monitoring And Control Actions Against Aedes Albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) In Urban Areas In The Netherlands

In the Netherlands, besides the detection at Lucky bamboo and used tire sites, introductions of Aedes albopictus have been notified by citizens since 2016 in urban areas. Intensive surveillance and mosquito control followed the confirmation of the species identity in the laboratory. In many cases, i...

Biocontrol Of Asian Tiger Mosquito, Aedes Albopictus, Using Wolbachia Wpip To Induce Infertility Through Cytoplasmic Incompatibility

Aedes albopictus was firsT reported in Valencia (Eastern Spain) in 2015. Once its establishment was confirmed, several mosquito management actions were applied in order to minimize its impact, including routinely larvicide treatments in public city catch basins, attendance of citizen complaints link...

Distribution Of Aedes Albopictus And Aedes Japonicus In Urban And Peri-Urban Environments In The Basque Country Of Northern Spain

Invasive mosquitoes’ distribution has increased in recent decades throughout Europe. In 2014 Aedes albopictus was identified for the first time in the Basque Country (northern Spain) and in 2020 Aedes japonicus was detected in the three Basque provinces. This study aimed to evaluate the association ...

Theorical Model Of Aedes Albopictus Entrance And Establishment In Spain Integrated In Eu Climate Projects: The Case Of Navarra

Tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) has colonized large areas in the Iberian Peninsula, mainly in the Spanish Mediterranean strip. Its ecological plasticity and new mechanisms of dispersion, among which the communication routes stand out, has allowed it to colonize multiple and dispersed urban areas. ...

Vertical And Horizontal Distribution Of Culex Pipiens Complex Mosquitoes Compared With Aedes Albopictus In An Inland Climate Mountain Area, Japan

Yamanashi Prefecture, an inland climate mountain area of Japan, extends widely north and south, with altitude that varies greatly by location. Mosquitoes transmitting infectious disease have a diversity of habitats in Yamanashi, and many species can be expected there. However, there have been few re...

Integrated Control Of Aedes Albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) In Allotment Gardens, Residentials, And Sewerage Systems

The mosquito species Aedes albopictus (Skuse, 1895) has spread rapidly in Europe over the last 40 years and has been established as an invasive species in Germany for the last 15 years. In 2019, individual specimens were found for the first time in the allotments “SÜD I”, “SÜD II” and the adjacent “...

Impact Of Rock-Pools Mosquito, Aedes Mariae (Culicidae), On Citizens In A Mediterranean Island Of Spain

Nuisances caused by mosquito biting affect the tourism sector, particularly during high season in Mediterranean locations. One species present in these locations is Aedes mariae , which breeds in rock-pool coastal zones. There is a lack of information available about the ecology of Ae. mariae. The m...

The Mosquito Landing Rate As A Connection Parameter Between Laboratory And Field Settings

Vector-borne diseases have increased in importance becoming a human health concern at global level. For many of these diseases no vaccines are available, then, the personal protection products and the vector control programs will remain essential tools for protection against transmission. In Europe,...

The Products Of The "Aquatain" Family As Alternative Tools And Measures For The Integrated Mosquito Management
Joao Machado | Poster | 2022

Aquatain AMF is a ready-to-use silicone-based liquid (polydimethylsiloxane – PDMS), easy to apply on the surface of standing and stagnant water. It prevents the development of mosquitos by forming an ultra-fine film over the water’s surface. This chemical is not considered a biocide under UE laws, a...

On-Site Real-Time West Nile Virus Surveillance To Improve The Reaction Time Of Adulticide Mosquito Control Management

One of the major groups of mosquito-borne diseases is Flaviviruses with prominent human pathogens, such as West Nile virus (WNV), dengue, Zika viruses. Nowadays, WNV is appearing more and more in several countries, thanks in part to climate change and other factors. WNV is endemic in parts of Europe...

Residential Backyards – Places For The Spread Of Invasive Mosquito Species

Monitoring of invasive mosquito species in Eastern Croatia, Brod-Posavina County, has been conducted since 2016 as part of the national monitoring of invasive mosquito species in Croatia, with the aim of creating a unique national database to estimate the risk of spreading vector-borne diseases. Thi...

New Deployment Of Transfluthrin Effects Into A Long Lasting Insecticide Paint Formulation With Dual Action Results Of Laboratory Efficacy Studies Against Disease Vectors

Transfluthrin is a volatile pyrethroid based on polyfluorinated benzyl alcohol that is commonly present in household insecticides like coils, electric vaporizers or aerosols used mainly against mosquitoes. Deployed into the air Transfluthrin exerts short-term effects. Due to its molecular structure,...

Tiger Mosquito Surveillance Program In The Region Of Murcia: Population Dynamics In Municipalities

Tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) was recorded in 2011 at first time in the Region the Murcia. After this year to 2017, only municipal or local studies were carried about, mainly by the Universidad de Murcia team. In 2018, the regional Public Health Service started a surveillance program which becam...

Faunal Richness And The Checklist Of Algerian Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae)

This paper presents a new revised "Checklist of the Mosquitoes in Algeria" based on the development of the mosquito-taxonomic research. While a earlier checklist exist, none have been prepared specifically for Algeria which take into account the extensive studies of the last 20 years. We provide an ...

Surveillance And Control Of Mosquitoes In Sewers From An Urban Mediterranean Area

Urban areas provide suitable breeding areas for mosquitoes potentially affecting the epidemiology of many vector-borne diseases, through its effects on mosquito community composition. The invasive Asian tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus has colonized a large number of urbanized areas in Europe and is ...

Surveillance And Control Of Aedes Albopictus In Epidemiological Risk Areas Of Valencia (Spain)

In Spain Dengue (DENV), Zike (ZIKV) and Chickungunya (CHIKV) are frequently imported by tourists and immigrants infected in endemic countries. The Spanish Ministry of Health has declared DENV, ZIKV and CHIKV as priority notifiable diseases in the country. Research presented here is focused on entomo...

Aedes (Stegomyia) Aegypti And Aedes (Stegomyia) Albopictus In Russia

Aedes aegypti was first discovered on the territory of the former Soviet Union in Batumi as an introduced species in 1911. High numbers of these mosquitoes have been recorded on the Black Sea coast from Sukhumi to Batumi. Since 1950s, these mosquitoes are not detected in this region (Cherkasskyi, 20...

Surveillance And Detection Of Invasive Mosquito Species In The United Kingdom

The UK employs a multi-faceted approach to surveillance for invasive Aedes species, including active methods, designed to target particular, potentially higher locations, and passive methods, providing a means for the general public and relevant professional groups to submit mosquito samples for ide...

Inter- And Intra-Specific Larval Competition Of Two Container Breeding Mosquitoes In South Texas

There has recently been an observed increase in vector-borne disease in the Americas, including those diseases which are primarily vectored by Aedes aegypti. South Texas is at risk of vector-borne diseases due to the mild temperatures, year-round presence of the disease vectors, and proximity to Mex...

Evaluation Of Mosquito Barrier Applicationsusing Lambda-Cyhalothrin And Pyriproxyfen In The United States

Aedes albopictus is an invasive mosquito in the United States and also a competent vector for many viruses. As an aggressive human biter, this mosquitoes is often the primary pest species eliciting complaints from the public in areas where they occur. This mosquito will readily utilize artificial co...

Surveillance And Control Of Aedes Albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) In Switzerland

In 2003 the invasive Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus arrived in Southern Switzerland for the first time. It has since then been continuously surveyed and controlled using ovitraps for monitoring alongside targeted applications of larvicides (Bti and diflubenzuron) and larval source reduction....

Aedes Albopictus Restistance Status And Population Dynamics Across The Swiss-Italian Border

Aedes albopictus is a vector for over 20 viruses, including chikungunya and dengue and where present may pose a threat to human health. Since 2003 A. albopictus is also present in Southern Switzerland in the Canton of Ticino and has since then been continuously surveyed and controlled, mainly by lar...

Distribution Of Aedes Albopictus Mosquitoes In An Inland Climate Mountain Area, Nagano Prefecture, Japan

Nagano Prefecture, an inland climate mountain area of Japan, extends widely north and south, and the altitude varies greatly with the location. Mosquitoes transmitting infectious disease have a diversity of habitats in Nagano, and many species can be expected. There have been few reports about mosqu...

Dengue Vector Distribution And Abundance In Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas Usa

Dengue virus has been classified as a worldwide emerging disease. South Texas is potentially at risk for dengue virus introduction due to proximity to Mexico, a country with endemic dengue transmission. Previous research has identified two dengue vectors, Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus in the re...

Mosquito Assemblage Diversity In Urban Parks, São Paulo, Brazil

Due to the scarcity of information about the fauna of mosquitoes in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, an investigation was done with the aim of describing the diversity of species present in green areas of municipal parks in the city. Between March 2011 and February 2012, adult and immature mosquitoes ...

Control Of Indigenous And Exotic Mosquitoes In Germany
Norbert Becker | Full Paper | 2014

In Germany since more than three decades products based on Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) and Lysinibacillus sphaericus have been successfully used as biological control agents against floodwater mosquitoes, mainly Aedes vexans and Ochlerotatus sticticus as well as against house mosquito C...

Emerging Technologies For Control of Aedes Aegypti and Aedes Albopictus (Diptera, Culicidae)
Julian Entwistle | Full Paper | 2011

Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus are key vectors of dengue and chikungunya. The status of the main emerging control technologies for these species which have reached open cage or field trial stages is reviewed: insecticide impregnated fabrics, lethal ovitraps, Mesocyclops, Wolbachia, densovirus an...

Aedes Aegyptiandaedes Albopictus in Urban Green Areas and Houses in Two Mountain Towns: Ouro Preto and Mariana, Minas Gerais, Brazil

The present study tests the hypothesis that Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus respond differently to urban green areas and houses nearby in the towns of Ouro Preto, at 1100 metres and of Mariana, lower, at 700 metres above sea level. We investigate the prediction that Aedes populations may have been gr...

Field Prevalence of Conserved Wolbachia Pipientis in Brazilian Populations of Aedes Albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae)

Wolbachia pipientis has been suggested to control insect vectors. In this context, studies on the prevalence and diversity of this bacterium in wild populations are relevant for future interventions. Here, we evaluated the diversity of two W. pipientis genes (ftsZ and wsp) and the prevalence of this...

Mosquitoes At United Kingdom Ports: Surveillance and Operational Challenges

Port health authorities have played an important role in the control of infectious diseases. The International Health Regulations (2005) further clarifies this role and provides a legal statutory instrument which aims to assist the international community to prevent and respond to global public heal...

Surveillance of Exotic Mosquitoes in Alicante Airport (Southeastern Spain)

Globalization is a major causal agent for the introduction of exotic species into new territories. In this regard, it is well known that air traffic is an ideal route for the arrival of mosquitoes to new countries and even new continents. In order to evaluate the possible arrival of allochthonous ve...

A Comparison of the Attractiveness Efficiency of Three Mosquito Traps

Man is the main victim of Aedes aegypti. Due to this ecological niche it is one of the most important disease vector to mankind, being, in Brazil, the primary vector of dengue fever. It is found in hot and humid habitat, its development lasts little more than a week, from egg to adult. The only deng...

VBORNET Network: a Database and Maps of Arthropod Vector Distribution and Surveillance in Europe

To combat vectors and the public health hazards they represent, many European countries have established their own vector control programs. Such programs may benefit from a more standardized approach to enable to compare obtained results, share compatible data and tackle transboundary issues. The VB...

Vector Control for Dengue and Other Mosquito-Borne Diseases
Robert L. Kunst | Full Paper | 2008

Dengue is transmitted to humans by day-biting mosquitoes, primarily Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. Primary prevention of this debilitating disease is through vector (mosquito) control: spraying for adult mosquitoes and applying larvicides to standing water. This presentation provides an overvie...

Effects of Sugar and Animal Blood Availability on Attraction of Aedes (Stegomyia) spp. To Humans
K. Jahangir , C.-Y. Lee and J. Zairi | Full Paper | 2008

Aedes (Stegomyia) female mosquitoes feed on sap of herbaceous indoor plants and blood of small mammals. This study investigates whether the female Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus provided with sugar solution and mouse blood are still attracted to human after feeding. Laboratory caged females of Aedes...

Two-year Population Survey of Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in Milan, Italy

Surveys of mosquitoes were carried out in the area of Milan in 2006 and in 2007. Nineteen species were collected. The most important were: Culex pipiens, C. modestus and C. hortensis, two Ochlerotatus caspius and O. detritus and three Aedes vexans, A. geniculatus and A. cinereus. Stegomyia albopictu...

Distribution of Culex Pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae) Complex in Yokohama, Japan

Several species of mosquitoes are well known to be the serious vectors of epidemic diseases in the world. As a part of the basic survey to watch possible invasion of West Nile virus into Japan, mosquitoes were collected to elucidate their geographic and seasonal distributions in the urban area of Yo...

Risk Assessment and Management of Mosquito-born Diseases in the European Regio
Marija Zgomba and Dusan Petric | Full Paper | 2008

The transmission of arboviruses is a major risk factor in many regions of the world including Europe. Continuing eco-climatic changes create suitable conditions for the re-emergence vector-borne diseases in Europe. Malaria was eradicated in all countries of the Region in the early 1960s except some ...

Emergence of Mosquito-borne Bunya-, Toga-, and Reoviruses in Central Europe

In this paper the most important ecological characteristics of arthropod-borne (arbo) viruses and the recent emergence of some pathogens in Europe are reviewed. In early July 2007 the first autochthonous Chikungunya virus outbreak occurred in Europe between July and September 2007. A local transmiss...

Laboratory evaluation of 21 insect repellents as larvicides and as oviposition deterrents of Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae)

Twenty one commercial insect repellent products, including 12 natural, 6 deet-based, and 3 other synthetic organic, were evaluated as larvicides and as oviposition deterrents of Aedes albopictus. Ten of the 12 natural products at 0.1% concentration provided 57-100% mortality of laboratory-reared 4th...

Effects of sublethal dose of Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 exposure on Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae)
Y.W. Lee and J. Zairi | Full Paper | 2005

Sublethal effects were studied at the parental and offspring stages which has been exposed to Bti at the larval stage (parental) in comparison to the control untreated group. Biological aspects inclusive of blood-engorgement rate and fecundity (number of eggs produced) of the parental stage were stu...

Review of the efficacy and persistence of pyriproxyfen 0.5% granules on Anopheles sp. and Aedes sp. breeding sites in Sri Lanka

The insect growth regulator, pyriproxyfen (Sumilarv 0.5 G) at the rate of 0.01 mg a.i./L was applied to gem pits as well as river and stream bed pools as a part of a large scale trial in a gem mining area in Sri Lanka. The results indicated pyriproxyfen inhibited emergence of the primary malaria vec...

The species of mosquitoes in the urban area of Yokohama

Mosquitoes in several species are well known to be serious vectors of epidemic diseases in the world. As a part of the basic survey to watch possible invasion of West Nile virus into Yokohama, one of the city with a big international port in Japan, mosquitoes were collected to elucidate their geogra...

Residual effectiveness of three pyrethroid sprays on vegetation against two mosquito species in field cage tests
J. Zhai and J. Cilek | Poster | 2005

Application of insecticides to vegetation has become increasingly popular in mosquito control programs in recent years. However, there is very little data that addresses the efficacy of such treatments. This study evaluated the residual effectiveness of three pyrethroid formulations on vegetation ag...

Mosquitoes of urban areas of Penang: Abundance and control

Survey on mosquito larvae and pupae were carried out in construction sites and drains in Penang, Malaysia. Species of mosquito larvae were identified from these two habitats. Aedes albopictus and Ae. aegyptii were the dominant mosquito spp found in the construction sites. Different habitats during t...

Potential mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) vectors of Dirofilaria immitis (Filariidae: Onchocercidae) in two urban areas of Kuala Lumpur and its prevalence in stray dogs

A study was conducted in the urban areas of Kuala Lumpur using CDC light trap, dog-baited trap and human landing collection to determine the vectors. Eleven species of mosquitoes were obtained, of which only Aedes albopictus, Armigeres subalbatus and Culex quinquefasciatus were in significant number...

Frantisek Rettich | Full Paper | 2002

Human vector-borne diseases, such as malaria, lymphatic filariasis, and dengue hemorrhagic fever are a global health problem. These diseases affect millions of people in developed and undeveloped countries. Entomologists, biologists, and vector ecologists from North America and Europe share informat...


The Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus (Sukuse) has a potential to transmit some tropical diseases. Established colonies of Ae. albopictus in Guatemala were first discovered in the Caribbean harbor towns of Puerto Barrios and Puerto de Santo Tomas de Castilla, Department of Izabal in 1995. We in...


Four insect repellent products, (1) Experimental Repellent Lotion (Bayrepel® 12%), (2) Experimental Repellent Cream (Bayrepel® 5%), (3) Off! Insect Repellent II® Aerosol (DEET 15%) and (4) Off! Skintastic II® Cream (DEET 7.5%) were evaluated simultaneously for their efficacy against vector and nuisa...