101Smart Ltd.

Improving The Efficiency Of Sticky Monitors For Bed Bugs, Cimex Lectularius

Author(s): Anne-Catherine Mailleux, Manhattan Solheid and Alice Manghi
Year: 2022
Keywords: monitors glue roach woodlice ant

Bed bug (Cimex lectularius) monitors are effective tools in detecting early infestations and evaluating the results of control programs. Among the monitors, bed bug sticky monitors are not toxic and easy to use. But we observed that that bed bugs were repelled by the contact between the sticky film on the floor and their legs. Second problem, when they were caught by only the tip of one leg, bed bugs might sometimes get off the sticky monitor. Our studies showed that, instead of coating the floor with glue, coating the interior surface of a sloping roof increased the efficiency of the monitor. The legs were not directly in contact with the sticky substance which was not detected by bed bugs. They entered into the monitor without repulsive behavior. Bed bugs could not escape as they were glued by their back. After one night, the number of caught bed bugs in a monitor with the sticky film under the roof was multiplicated by 7 when compared to a monitor with a sticky floor. We developed monitors with the sticky film coating the interior surface of the roof. We studied the optimal slope of the roof and the optimal height of the entrance. Monitors with sticky roof were also efficient with other species: 88% of woodlice (Oniscus asellus), 100% of ants (Myrmica spp.) and 100% of cockroaches (Blatta lateralis) were glued by their back after one night.

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