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Impact Of Rock-Pools Mosquito, Aedes Mariae (Culicidae), On Citizens In A Mediterranean Island Of Spain

Author(s): Mikel Bengoa, Carlos Barceló, Andreu Rotger and Raúl Luzón
Year: 2022
Keywords: aedes, mosquitoes, nuisances, tourism, flight range, salinity, control

Nuisances caused by mosquito biting affect the tourism sector, particularly during high season in Mediterranean locations. One species present in these locations is Aedes mariae , which breeds in rock-pool coastal zones. There is a lack of information available about the ecology of Ae. mariae. The mosquitoes present in the coastal town of Sa Colònia de Sant Jordi (Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain) have been studied, comparing the hotel area with the coast area. CDC traps, BG-Sentinel traps, and human landing were used to sample the abundance and behaviour of the culicidae species. Biotic and biochemical data of the rook-pool breeding sites were analysed to understand the oviposition preferences. Adult samplings suggested that Ae. mariae has a short host-seeking range, for a short period of time after the sunset they are very aggressive on the rocks, near their breeding spots. Mosquito nuisances in hotels may be mainly related with other Culex pipiens, Aedes albopictus or Aedes caspius. Water properties in the rook-pools showed that temperature increase the possibility to find Ae. mariae larvae and the presence of algae increase their abundance, much more than other factors such as salinity. Control strategies for this species should be focused on their rearing spots.

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