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ICUP Proceedings Search

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Showing 5 results

Genetic Patterns Of Vespa Velutina In Spain

The yellow-legged hornet (Vespa velutina) is a social Hymenoptera native from Asia and an invasive species in Europe where was first detected in France in 2004 and have spread across the continent reaching peninsular Spain in 2010 and Mallorca island in 2015. Its predatory habits on a broad diversit...

Control Of Asian Hornet, Vespa Velutina, Mainly By Neutralization Of Nests

The asian hornet is an exotic invasive species according to the law 33/2015 of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity, in the Iberian Peninsula. The first appointment of this insect occurs in 2010, in the Foral community of Navarra. Since its introduction, it has been colonizing a large part of the north...

Controlling Vespa Velutina Nigrithorax (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) In Majorca

The yellow-legged hornet, Vespa velutina nigrithorax, is an Invasive Alien Species (IAS) accidentally introduced in Europe from South East Asia. It was reported for the first time in south-west France in 2004 and rapidly spread to nearby European countries: Spain, Portugal, Italy, Belgium, Germany, ...

Citizen Science: A Tool For Eradication Plan Of Vespa Velutina In Majorca

The yellow-legged hornet, Vespa velutina nigrithorax Lepeletier 1836, is an Invasive Alien Species (IAS) which was accidentally introduced in Europe from Asia. The establishment of this IAS is a major concern because of its potential negative impact on pollinators and biodiversity. Here, we report t...

First Actions Against The Asian Hornet, Vespa Velutina Nigrithorax (Hymenoptera: Vespidae), In The Province Of Barcelona, Spain

The Asian hornet (Vespa velutina nigrihorax) has been spreading across all the coastal northern regions of the Iberian Peninsula, since it was firstly spotted in Amaiur (Navarra) in August 2010. This invasive species has also penetrated across inland territories. Colonizing not only forests and rura...