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Control Of Asian Hornet, Vespa Velutina, Mainly By Neutralization Of Nests

Author(s): Daniel Jiménez Vidal, Roberto Puch Pérez, David Peón Otero, Manuel Garcia-Howlett and Rubén Bueno-Marí
Year: 2022
Keywords: invasive species, vespa velutina, neutralization

The asian hornet is an exotic invasive species according to the law 33/2015 of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity, in the Iberian Peninsula. The first appointment of this insect occurs in 2010, in the Foral community of Navarra. Since its introduction, it has been colonizing a large part of the northern part of Spain, due to its great adaptability and the lack of knowledge of the public and private managers who have been in charge of its control. This non-native vespid can cause real problems at an environmental level, as well as causing significant losses in some sectors, such as beekeeping, without losing sight of the potential risk it can pose to public health. In this work we show the different methodologies that have been used in the control of
the species during these years and we will try to qualitatively evaluate the most interesting aspects of each method. Starting from the base that there is no infallible control method, and that each situation must be addressed through a specific action plan based on a situational diagnosis prepared by experts.

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