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Synanthropization Of Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) Of Siberia And Amur Region

Author(s): Elena Bogdanova
Year: 2017
Keywords: epidemiological significance, occupation of anthropogenic biotopes
Investigations were carried out in several climatic zones of Western and Eastern Siberia, and at the Amur region. Blood-sucking mosquitoes in these areas have a rich species composition and very high numbers. In addition to a significant irritating action in an attack on the people, they are vectors of many vector-borne diseases, and also cause allergic reactions and dermatitis. The research program included the study of the species composition and abundance of adults and larvae of mosquitoes. The surveys were carried out using standard methods in the neighborhood and in the territory of residential areas, had a long-existing and newly built. The species composition of mosquitoes of studied regions, according to our data, ranged from 22 to 31 species of the genera Aedes, Culiseta, Culex, Anopheles. Dominants in various accounting items were Ae.communis, Ae.pionips, Ae.cantans, Ae.punctor, Ae.excrucians, Ae.cinereus, Ae.vexans, Ae.riparius, An.hyrcanus. The number of mosquitoes in the new settlements was not significantly different from the number in their neighborhoods. With the development of localities in their neighborhoods and the outskirts it changed slightly. For example, in settlements at Western Siberia, in the years 1966-1968 the number of mosquitoes was 385 exemplars of a 5-minute account of entomological net, and in 1995-1998 - 265 exemplars of the records. However, the number of mosquitoes decreased from the village outskirts to its center to several tens of accounting. Of all the species in the settlements was met Ae.communis, Ae.punctor, Ae.excrucians, Ae.riparius, Ae.cantans, Ae.diantaeus, Ae.cinereus, Ae.vexans ssp, An.hyrcanus. In the localities with their development happens a reduction of the species composition of mosquitoes, but in different climatic zones and regions of different types, for example, Ae.communis, Ae.punctor, Ae, cinereus, Ae.vexans tended to the occupation of anthropogenic biotopes. This increases their epidemiological significance, since contacts of synanthropic species with the humans are increasing significantly.
Poster Abstract