101Smart Ltd.

Case Report: Description Of Bed Bugs (Hemiptera: Cimicidae) Infestation In Prison, Estate Of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Author(s): Marcio Rodrigues Lage and José Maria Soares
Year: 2017
Keywords: public health, medical entomology, cimex lectularius.
The Cimicidae or bed bugs are sucking blood insects and Cimex lectularius and Cimex hemipterus are the main species cited with distribution in Brazil. They are nocturnal insects, remain protected in their hideout in most of the day and biting people during sleep, virtually any fissure or protected location serve as hideout to bedbugs colonize. Their importance to public health is due to on contribution to deterioration of human life quality. In Brazil it has been notified the presence of these insects in hotels and residences of high economic levels. The case to be treated in this research is located in a prison in the city of Mirandópolis, where was collected 62 bed bugs. The local infrastructure was very precarious, just not because it is a prison environment, but the place has been built for other purposes initially. It is noted that local conditions are clearly suitable for the existence of large infestation of bed bugs. The treatment carried out by the specialized company, it is observed that this was following the instructions of the manufacturers of the chemicals, as well as information from specialists. It is concluded this case may reflect a public health problem is still poorly noticed in Brazil.
Poster Abstract