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Review Of Climate Change Impacts On Urban Pests

Author(s): Partho Dhang
Year: 2017
Keywords: climate change, global warming, urban pests, urban heat island.
Urban centres amplify both abiotic and biotic parameters favouring pest life history. In absence of natural enemies in urban areas, these parameters often are directly proportional to growth and population of these pests. Under the influence of climate change and global warming, these centres will act as favourable spots for pests in multiple ways, thus posing far reaching consequences, affecting human lives. Insects are cold-blooded organisms and are unable to regulate their body temperature and it is believed that the effect of temperature on insects largely overwhelms the effects of other environmental factors. Evidence of climate change and its impact are now apparent in many parts of the world, such as reports of insect vectors and vector borne diseases in previously unrecorded elevations, pest damages in uncited latitudes and pest activity in unexpected seasons. Its influence on aspects such as building materials, quality of urban structures, non-vectors, nuisance pests and prevention are now under examination. Increased urbanization and people’s choice of urban life has made this a very relevant subject and this article reviews impact of climate change on various aspects of pest dynamics as well as its influence on a number of tools and methodologies which are used to control and manage them.
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