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Evaluation And Implementation Of A Minimal Monitoring System For Cimex Lectularius (Hemiptera: Cimicidae) Detection In Low-Income High-Rise Housing

Author(s): Karen Vail and Jennifer Chandler
Year: 2017
Keywords: bed bug, elderly and disabled housing, blackout bedbug detector, inspection
The objective of this study was to implement and evaluate bed bug detection systems in low-income, high-rise housing for the elderly and disabled. In a previous study, one, two or four ClimbUp Insect Interceptors BG or the BlackOut BedBug Detectors placed per apartment resulted in 80% to 90% bed bug detection rates over an 8-week monitoring period. For this study, two BlackOuts were placed in most apartments of the buildings used in the previous study. Floor meetings were held for all residents to explain bed bug biology, prevention and detection, and residents were given two monitors to place against their bed and a chair. Residents were to inspect the monitors weekly and wipe them as needed; pest management professionals (PMPs) to inspect quarterly; and housing managers and other personnel to inspect as opportunities arose. Our lab personnel conducted inspections in one building (designated D) at 7 – 9 months and in other buildings (designated A and B) 22 months after monitor placement. Evidence was lacking to indicate residents were inspecting and reporting infestations. In building D, 11% of inspected apartments had living bed bugs in the monitors, and another 9% had dead bed bugs but had not been treated by PMPs. The apartments in buildings A and B were quickly inspected, i.e., mattresses and the upper surfaces and crevices of upholstered furniture were examined, as were the two monitors. Living bed bugs were found in 8% of apartments and another 2% had dead bed bugs in apartments that had not been treated. Management was unaware of 79% of the living bed bug infestations. Relying on residents to report bed bugs is ineffective and there is a need for a building-wide visual inspection accompanied by monitor inspection.
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