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Comparison Of Number Of Limnophyes Natalensis (Diptera: Chironomidae) Collected With Stickyand Suction Light Traps In Food Factory

Author(s): Goro Kimura, Kimio Hirabayashi and Tsutomu Tanikawa
Year: 2017
Keywords: chironomid midges, nuisance, physical control, sticky light trap, suction light trap
Adult Limnophyes natalensis were collected using sticky and suction light traps during the course of a year in a Japanese food factory. Such physical control methods have been demonstrated effective for collecting adult midges. The numbers of adult L. natalensis collected with the two methods were compared by season. A total of 121 were collected over eight nights with the sticky light trap, and 194 were collected with the suction light trap, a significantly higher number. The numbers were not significantly different for winter. These results demonstrate that suction light traps are more effective for collecting adult midges in food factories.
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