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A Multi-State Study To Assess The Efficacy Of Chlorantraniliprole In Controlling Reticulitermes Flavipes (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) In Infested Structures

Author(s): T. Chris Keefer, Susan C. Jones, Edward L. Vargo, Paul Labadie, Roger E. Gold, Clay W. Scherer and Nicola T. Gallagher
Year: 2017
Keywords: termiticide, subterranean termite, colony, microsatellite
The efficacy of Altriset® 20SC (AI, chlorantraniliprole) in controlling structural infestations of the eastern subterranean termite, Reticulitermes flavipes, was assessed in Ohio, North Carolina, and Texas. Prior to chlorantraniliprole treatment, termites were collected from the structure as well as from a grid of in-ground monitoring stations encircling each structure. Microsatellite markers were used to genetically fingerprint each of the termite colonies. The structures and stations continued to be monitored for 2 years after the termiticide treatment. Chlorantraniliprole provided effective structural protection as termite activity in and on the majority of structures ceased within ~1 month or less and they continued to be free of termites for the 2-year study duration; a follow-up spot treatment was done only at one house in Texas at 5-months post-treatment and at one house in North Carolina at 8 months post-treatment. A single infesting colony appeared to be associated with each structure prior to treatment.
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