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ICUP Proceedings Search

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Showing 2 results

Practical Use Of Braconid Wasps For Control Of The Common Furniture Beetle (Coleoptera: Anobiidae)
Stephan Biebl and Judith Auer | Full Paper | 2017

This paper will show the practical use of a braconid wasp species (Spathius exarator) as a biological control method for Anobium. punctatum. The parasitic wasp parasitizes its host by piercing its ovipositor directly through the wood surface followed by oviposition onto the furniture beetle larva. A...

Treatment Of Wood-Boring Beetles In Oxygen-Free Atmospheres
Stephan Biebl and Ulrich Lang | Full Paper | 2014

The investigation showed lethal effects to development stades of three different wood boring insects commonly found in storages and exhibition rooms of museums. Hermetically closed chambers without floor sealing contained atmospheres < 1 vol.-%, the results of 100 % mortality could only be determine...