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Redescription Of Aedes Aegypti And Detection Of Dengue Virus From Field Collected Larvae From Lahore, Pakistan

Author(s): Farkhanda Manzoor, Hania Ramzan and Aslam Khan
Year: 2014
Keywords: rt-pcr, serotype, morphology, population.
Dengue virus is transmitted by female mosquito Aedes aegypti and it consists of the most common flavivirus infection. Pakistan is also at high risk of dengue epidemics. The present study focused on the redescription of Aedes aegypti and the detection of dengue virus from 685 field collected larvae of A. aegypti from different areas of Lahore. No morphological change, as compared to previous work, was observed. Temperature and humidity have direct effect on the distribution, population density and growth rate of A. aegypti. Population and growth rate increases during rainy season and decreases during dry season. High number of larvae (99) was found in July, 2012. Bhati Chowk area is more receptive to dengue transmission as compared to other areas because high percentage of larvae (23%) was found from there. A rapid identification of dengue virus from larvae of A. aegypti was done by RT-PCR. RNA extracted from each pool was tested by RT-PCR for detection of dengue virus. It was shown that dengue serotype 2 was prevalent in Lahore, Pakistan. DV-2 was found in 26 pools, DV-3 in 9 pools and DV-4 was present in 3 pools. DV-1 was not found in any pool.
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