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ICUP Proceedings Search

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Showing 9 results

Lessons Of The Biocidal Directive And Of The Regulation

It will be twenty years in 2022 that the notifications of active substances had began in Europe. Companies mainly from Europe and a few elsewhere have notified a bit more than 1650 actives under the 21 Product Type groups. Today there are only some 450 actives left in the system. What has happened d...

Current Status And Treatments For Anobium Punctatum

This paper outlines the current status in Europe of Anobium punctatum and reviews its biology, environmental requirements and food sources. It will also review historic insecticidal treatment methods, their efficacy and the long term problems their residues may cause. It evaluates the efficacy of cu...

Impact of European Biocides Legislation on Innovation For Public Health Control
Andy Adams | Full Paper | 2011

Innovation means many things to many people and some definitions that may be considered as representative, particularly with respect to public health pest control include “The act of introducing something new”, “a creation (a new device or process) resulting from study and experimentation” and “gene...

Baiting Strategies For the Control of American Cockroaches (Blattaria:Blattidae) in Urban Sewage Systems

Periplaneta americana is broadly accepted as the major insect pest in the sewage systems of Spain. The environmental conditions of our country, especially in eastern and southern regions, let the populations of this insect develop to enormous numbers with the risk to become a sanitary problem. Commo...

Authorisation of Biocidal Products in the European Union
P. Choraine | Full Paper | 2011

Current regulatory framework. The placing on the market on biocidal products in the European Union is governed by Directive 98/8/EC (http://eurlex. europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:31998L0008:EN:NOT). The current Directive establishes a two-step process of approval: 1. evaluation of the ...

Prospects for urban pest management in Europe under the biocidal product directive 98/8/EC
A.J. Adams | Full Paper | 2005

The Biocidal Products Directive (98/8/EC), or BPD, is a recent piece of pan-European legislation that has been incorporated into the national law of each member state. It will regulate all biocidal products that are not covered by earlier legislation that deals with crop protection products (91/414/...

David Dillon | Full Paper | 1999

In 1993 the European Commission put forward a proposal for a mandatory authorisation scheme to cover the supply of biocides. The Directive aims to establish a single market in biocides and provide a high level of control for man and the environment by ensuring that requirements for authorisation are...

G. Wilson | Full Paper | 1996

This paper outlines the main objectives of the proposed biocides directive, details the products it will cover and briefly explains how it will operate. It explains the recent modification to the proposal (inclusion of the Common Principles), gives the current position and suggests how it will progr...

D. L. Dillon | Full Paper | 1996

The current proposal for a EU Biocidal Products Directive aims to establish a single market in biocides that provides a high level of control for man and the environment by ensuring that requirements for authorisation of products are equal across all Member States. The UK Regulatory Authority welcom...