In Brazil there are three types of spiders of medical importance, Phoneutria sp. (Araneae: Ctenidae), Loxosceles sp. (Araneae: Sicariidae) and Latrodectus sp. (Araneae: Theridiidae). The accidents are characterized as follows: accidents by Phoneutria sp. - represent a form of araneism most commonly seen in the country. Cause intense local pain, often immediate, mild edema, erythema and local sweating. Loxosceles sp. - the most common clinical presentation is the skin characterized by the appearance of inflammatory lesions at the point of the bite that progresses to necrosis and ulceration. Latrodectus sp. a clinical condition characterized by intense local pain, possibly radiating, hypertension and shock. Accidents involving these arachnids, contrary to what many think, also occur in large cities like São Paulo. The aim of this study was to investigate the occurrence of accidents with these spiders in three locations of São Paulo. The data were obtained in consultation with the database of the São Paulo City - Tabnet. It was found that in the period and region studied 551 accidents occurred in these three species, of which 381 per Phoneutria sp., 168 Loxosceles sp. and 02 Latrodectus sp.. Is concluded that, in this region, the Phoneutria sp. is causing more accidents in the period, probably due to its aggressiveness followed by Loxosceles sp. that is considered a spider home, being in closer contact with the human being, than the Latrodectus sp with the lowest number of accidents. Further studies are needed to know more about the biology of these animals for a more effective management.
Reports of Accidents with Spiders of Medical Importance in the Region of Vila Prudente, SãO Lucas and Sapopemba, SãO Paulo City, Brazil, in the Years 2007-2010
Year: 2011
Keywords: phoneutria sp., loxosceles sp., latrodectus sp., poisonous spiders, arachnids
Poster Abstract