101Smart Ltd.

Control of American Cockroaches (Blattaria:Blattidae): Laboratory Performances of Fipronil and Imidacloprid Gel Baits

Author(s): R. Jimenez Peydro and P. García Mujica
Year: 2011
Keywords: gel bait, periplaneta americana, efficacy, phenilpyrazole, neonicotinoid
Gel baits are easy to incorporate in pest management programs because they present properties like low toxicity, less environmental risk than sprays, easy handling and proved effectivity. Active ingredients, Fipronil and Imidacloprid, act through ingestion and contact as neurotoxics. Fipronil, a phenilpyrazole, has shown satisfactory results for control neurotoxic resistant insect strains. By the other side for Imidacloprid, a neonicotinoid molecule, has been reported effectivity against pest insects as Blattella germanica.The present paper shows an efficacy test comparison between Fipronil, Goliath gel ® (0.05%) and Imidacloprid, Max Force Prime® (2,15%). Tests were conducted with wild strains of Periplaneta americana collected in sewers, reared in laboratory, and being the effects of products conducted over nymphs and adults of both sexes. We measured feeding response with fresh bait, dry bait, and with food choice experiments. Results were statistically treated with JMP® and SPSS®.
Poster Abstract