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ICUP Proceedings Search

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Showing 3 results

Global Food Safety Initiatives and Its Impact on Pest Management Programs in North America
Zia Siddiqi | Full Paper | 2011

Traditionally food safety involving pest control in commercial food establishments in North America has been the responsibility of each food manufacturer or retail establishment and then subject to any audit or inspection by regulatory agencies. Third party food safety auditors also played an active...

Providing Decision Making Analytical Tools To Ipm Managers Through Web Based: Electronic Pest Monitoring, and Pesticide Use Reporting System
Naresh Duggal and Zia Siddiqi | Full Paper | 2008

Economically and environmentally sustainable pest management requires an integrated approach. Pesticides are one of many tools used in IPM. Majority of non-agriculture and structural pest management focuses on pesticide applications for right of way, turf and landscape, rangelands and indoors. Pesti...

Structural Integrated Pest Management: a Service of Applied Facilities Engineering and Management
Naresh Duggal and Zia Siddiqi | Full Paper | 2008

There has been a movement away from relying solely on pesticides to solve indoor pest problems in response to public concerns over pesticide use, pesticide resistance, and the possibility that pesticide applications may contaminate the environment. Pesticides regardless of rating as highly toxic or ...