101Smart Ltd.


Critical Analysis of Pest Control in L’Aquila (Abruzzo, Italy) After Earthquake

This is a summary of the operating system for pests management in the L’Aquila area during the seven months following the earthquake (06/04/2009 - 31/10/2009). The management system involved both purely technical aspects (equipment, pest control products, field operations, etc) and the more human as...

Local Authority Pest Management Services in the United Kingdom: 2002 and 2009 National Pest Advisory Panel Surveys

The National Pest Advisory Panel (NPAP) was established in 2001 to advise the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) on pest control policy. As part of its work, the NPAP sent a detailed survey to all Local Authorities (LAs) in England, Wales and Northern Ireland in 2002 and 2009 about t...

Global Food Safety Initiatives and Its Impact on Pest Management Programs in North America
Zia Siddiqi | Full Paper | 2011

Traditionally food safety involving pest control in commercial food establishments in North America has been the responsibility of each food manufacturer or retail establishment and then subject to any audit or inspection by regulatory agencies. Third party food safety auditors also played an active...

Infiltration of Insecticides Using Kerosene, Diesel Fuel, Water, and Polymer Into Wood

Current solvents used for the application of insecticides include: kerosene, diesel fuel, and aliphatic and naphthenic hydrocarbon-based molecules. These solvents are toxic and, due to their flash points, create fire hazards. The insecticides are environmental and public health risks. This study spe...

Differences in IPM Between the United States and Non-english Europe: Mentality and Compatibility
Eva Scholl | Full Paper | 2011

Every introduction of new technology including Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in Germany and Europe competes with ancient proven structures, part wise older than the United States. Innovation requires mindful appreciation for the unique mentality and for the positive aspects of existing pathways. ...

United Kingdom Urban Mosquito Sampling

There has been relatively little research work done in collecting mosquitoes in urban areas of the UK. During the summer of 2010, the research team collected mosquitoes from nine urban sites and mosquito samples were collected over a 14 week period. All specimens were taken to the laboratory and adu...

Catch Rate of Musca Domestica in Laboratory Tests: Contrasting Ultraviolet Light Traps with Their Surrounding
M. Green | Full Paper | 2011

Commercial ultra violet light traps for flying insect control are commonplace and provide an effective means of monitoring and providing reduction in populations of house flies (Musca domestica L) in cases where exclusion is difficult or impossible. Catch rate investigations were undertaken in labor...

Field Prevalence of Conserved Wolbachia Pipientis in Brazilian Populations of Aedes Albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae)

Wolbachia pipientis has been suggested to control insect vectors. In this context, studies on the prevalence and diversity of this bacterium in wild populations are relevant for future interventions. Here, we evaluated the diversity of two W. pipientis genes (ftsZ and wsp) and the prevalence of this...

Efficacy, Environmental Persistence and Nontarget Impacts of Pyriproxyfen Use against Aedes Vigilax in Australia

Pyriproxyfen is an insect growth regulator, a juvenile hormone analogue, widely used for the control of container and freshwater mosquito species throughout the world and is potent at very low levels. To date its use in natural brackish environments has been limited. In Australia the dominant nuisan...

Emerging Technologies For Control of Aedes Aegypti and Aedes Albopictus (Diptera, Culicidae)
Julian Entwistle | Full Paper | 2011

Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus are key vectors of dengue and chikungunya. The status of the main emerging control technologies for these species which have reached open cage or field trial stages is reviewed: insecticide impregnated fabrics, lethal ovitraps, Mesocyclops, Wolbachia, densovirus an...

MI-dengue: An Innovative Technology For Gps Monitoring Aedes Aegypti Population on Webpage At Real Time

Dengue has been considered as the most important airborne disease in Brazil. Limitations in the laboratory identification of immature Aedes aegypti and processing of field data based on larval surveys led to the development of the “Intelligent Dengue Monitoring” technology (MI-Dengue) (www.midengue....

Aedes Aegyptiandaedes Albopictus in Urban Green Areas and Houses in Two Mountain Towns: Ouro Preto and Mariana, Minas Gerais, Brazil

The present study tests the hypothesis that Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus respond differently to urban green areas and houses nearby in the towns of Ouro Preto, at 1100 metres and of Mariana, lower, at 700 metres above sea level. We investigate the prediction that Aedes populations may have been gr...

Tunneling Behavior of the Formosan Subterranean Termite (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) in Dry Soil
Mary L. Cornelius | Full Paper | 2011

This study examines the effect of dry soil on tunnel construction by the Formosan subterranean termite, Cptotermes formosanus. Termites did not construct tunnels in dry soil in any of the treatments. Termites only constructed tunnels in moist areas in treatments where the soil was partially moistene...

A Retrospective Analysis of Structures Infested by Subterranean Termites in Philippines
Partho Dhang | Full Paper | 2011

This is a retrospective analysis on 502 individual structures to determine if there exists any specific reason for a structure to become susceptible to termite attack. Individual parameters were collected from each of the structures for performing the analysis. The parameters selected were location ...

Infestation of Subterranean Termite, Heterotermes Assu (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae): a Case Study in Mauá City, SãO Paulo, Brazil

This paper describes the results of an evaluation done on the buildings and trees at Nossa Senhora das Vitorias district, located in Maua, Sao Paulo, Brazil, in order to verify the biodeterioration caused by Heterotermes assu, an unusual subterranean termite, in which the records of infestations in ...

Nymph-to-adult Ratio in German Cockroach (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae) Populations After Treatment with Imidacloprid

Control of adult roaches is usually not problematic as those life cycle stages are actively exploring the habitat for food sources. Nymphs are less mobile and therefore less likely to access a bait spot directly. Natural occurring populations of German cockroach (Blattella germanica L.) show a relat...

Evaluating a Baiting System For Management of Termites in Buildings (India) and Earthen Dam Walls (Botswana)

The Exterraä Termite Interception and Baiting System (Ensystex Inc., Fayetteville, NC) was evaluated in field experiments in India and Botswana. Alpha-cellulose powder containing chlorfluazuron (Requiemä) was tested for its efficacy in eliminating colonies of various subterranean termite species in ...

Susceptibility Levels of Periplaneta Americana (Dyctioptera: Blattidae) To Two Different Insecticides in Populations From Southwest Colombia

The levels of susceptibility to a pyrethroid (deltamethrin) and an organophosphate (malathion) and metabolic enzyme activities of adult Periplaneta americana females from populations collected in three cities of south western Colombia (Cali, Popayan, and Buenaventura), were characterized by bottle b...

Evaluation of Bait Gel Dosages For Blattella Germanica Control

Blattella germanica is a very important pest in homes, food service establishments and other structures in São Paulo city. The roach bait control is usually recommended. The aim this work was to evaluate the minimal dose of different active ingredients in bait commercial gel to B. germanica control....

Anti-termitic Properties of Lantana Camara (Lamiales: Verbenaceae)

Fresh and dry tissues (leaves, stems, flowers and roots) of two Lantana camara cultivars and the soil from where the plants were growing were tested to determine their anti-termitic activities against Reticulitermes flavipes in 3-wk laboratory bioassays. Barriers incorporating 25% (w/w) chipped tiss...

Bromadiolone Paraffin Blocks Not-exposed and Exposed To the Environment

This paper evaluated the attractibility, palatability and efficacy of bromadiolone paraffin block exposed for 30 days to environmental conditions. It was used four groups of white Wistar rats: two groups received no-exposed blocks (control group) and two groups received blocks exposed for 30 days to...

Influence of Bait Type and Active Ingredient on Rodenticide Palatability and Efficacy
Erik Schmolz | Full Paper | 2011

In a semi natural test system for efficacy evaluation of rodenticidal products according to the Infectious Diseases Protection Act of the Federal Republic of Germany, 80 choice tests with Mus musculus and 62 choice tests with Rattus norvegicus from 1984 to 2010 were evaluated. The tests were conduct...

Diagnosis of Capillaria Hepatica in Rattus Rattus by Histopathology

The present study diagnosed diseases present in Rattus rattus by histopathology. The material consisted of 43 specimens captured in the eastern city of São Paulo – Brazil. The animals were necropsied, and the organs were processed histologically and stained with hematoxylin-eosin. Microscopic analys...

Palearctic Synantropic Rodent Control
Valentin Rylnikov | Full Paper | 2011

Efforts aimed at reducing a rodent population to an acceptable size must be proportional to how effectively the rodents resist damaging factors. There is a positive correlation between population complexity and resistance, which means that as many independent methods as possible must be devised to c...

Fungal Contamination of Rat Baits

The rats control in environment involves the chemical control using poison baits that are composed by paraffin blocks, mixture of seeds or pellets in packs. Some products used in pest control are natural organic certified rodent. These materials can be distributed externally or around the places usi...

S-Methoprene Formulations: Laboratory Tests For Efficacy against Bed Bugs

New bed bug control products, methods and Codes of Practices have been introduced, but it is likely that until we have a novel insecticide molecule and their formulations to which the bed bugs are fully susceptible, we cannot achieve appropriate results. Following a series of individual laboratory t...

Effectiveness of Imidacloprid + Betacyfluthrin To Control Cimex Lectularius (Hemiptera, Cimicidae)

An experiment was conducted to evaluate the knockdown effect and effectiveness of imidacloprid 21% + betacyfluthrin 10.5% to control bed bug in laboratory conditions. During the experiment the temperature was ± 2 27oC, relative humidity 66% ± 5 and photoperiod of 12 hours. Imidacloprid 21% + betacyf...

Thermal Treatment For Bed Bugs

It is the challenge of every thermal treatment to achieve the lethal temperatures in inaccessible harborages. With thermal treatments hot air is the heat transfer medium. This medium has a low heat capacity and the heat transmission rate from hot air on a solid body is relatively poor, especially if...

Thermal Tolerance of the Bed Bug

Exploitation of very high or low temperatures for bed bug, Cimex lectularius, control can be a supporting measure or even an alternative to chemical control methods. To observe the influence of heat, groups of adults, juveniles and eggs (group size = 20 individuals) were exposed to ambient temperatu...

Advanced Method For Evaluation of the Residual Efficacy of Products To Control Cimex Lectularius (Hemiptera: Cimicidae)

In order to avoid treatment failures in bed bug control and to prevent the development of insecticide-resistant bed bug strains, laboratory efficacy tests of products for bed bug control must be adapted more to practical conditions. For our study, Cimex lectularius of the insecticide susceptible lab...

Impact of European Biocides Legislation on Innovation For Public Health Control
Andy Adams | Full Paper | 2011

Innovation means many things to many people and some definitions that may be considered as representative, particularly with respect to public health pest control include “The act of introducing something new”, “a creation (a new device or process) resulting from study and experimentation” and “gene...

Authorisation of Biocidal Products in the European Union
P. Choraine | Full Paper | 2011

Current regulatory framework. The placing on the market on biocidal products in the European Union is governed by Directive 98/8/EC (http://eurlex. europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:31998L0008:EN:NOT). The current Directive establishes a two-step process of approval: 1. evaluation of the ...

Legal Approaches on Urban Pest Control Products and on Their Use

This talk focuses on legal approaches on urban pest control products and on their use. In Brazil, among several standards on the subject, there are specific regulations particularly like: - Resolution RDC 52/09, available on the functioning of companies specialising in the provision of service contr...

Impact of Insecticide Resistance on Control of Aedes Aegypti

The biological characterization of resistance in laboratory is reported, along with an evaluation of the response of vector populations to methods of chemical control which are used on the routine executed in the Dengue Control .Data from the Monitoring Program demonstrated over time an increasing n...

Monitoring the Resistance of Triatominae (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) To Insecticides

Currently, there is evidence of Triatoma infestans Klug, 1834 populations from southern Bolivia and northern Argentina with high levels of resistance to pyrethroids. In this study we characterized the susceptibility levels of 37 Triatominae populations to deltamethrin. The bioassays were performed b...

Significance of Spiders (Araneae) As Public Health Pests

Spiders are an important part of ecosystems due to their feeding habits which involve predation, especially of insects. This group of arthropods currently includes over 40 thousand described species present on all continents except for Antarctica. They forage in diverse ecotopes and some are resista...

Urban Bats: Aspects of Ecology and Health

Of the 1,120 chiropteran species identified worldwide, 172 occur in Brazil; among them 47 are recorded in urban environments, most compounded by insectivorous bats. These animals have used the resources furnished direct or indirectly by humans, as food and shelter. Their incoming in buildings, the e...

Surveillance and Control of Aedes Aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae): a New Proposal

Entomological indices based on larval surveillance methods are not sensitive enough to accurately monitor Aedes aegypti population densities in areas differing in levels of infestation. Here, we present and discuss results obtained from a pilot program using a new approach, the Monitoring System and...

Rodents As Carriers of Disease: Preliminary Studies in the United Kingdom

The University of Reading has conducted some preliminary work on the prevalence of Campylobacter spp., Salmonella spp. and Arenavirus in Norway rats trapped from farms and semi-urban areas in central southern England. Campylobacter is the cause of a notificable disease in the UK, with 57,772 cases r...

Biology and Management of Bed Bugs: Review of Recent Research
Alvaro Romero | Full Paper | 2011

The near absence of bed bugs from human dwellings for fifty or more years has left us with limited knowledge of its biology and few answers to eliminate populations. Research findings with relevance to global bed bug management are presented. Monitoring of spontaneous activity of bed bugs demonstrat...

Bed Bug (Heteroptera, Cimicidae) Infestations in the Metropolitan Region of SãO Paulo, Brazil

Once common, infestations caused by these hematophagous insects practically disappeared at the 1950’s. However, its recurrence has been observed in several countries, including Brazil. This fact, although concerning, lacks deeper studies. The objective of this research was to describe bed bugs overr...

Bed Bug (Hemiptera: Cimicidae) Resurgence: Plotting the Trajectory

The bed bug has had a longstanding relationship with low-income high-density housing. Proximity of dwellings, re-use of furniture, and control options limited by affordability, have all contributed to the continuation of this pest in such areas. The recent resurgence and spread of this pest may be a...

Genetic Analysis of Bed Bug Infestations and Populations

Populations of the common bed bug Cimexlecturaliusare undergoing a huge resurgence, but little is known about their patterns of spread and dispersal. We have begun to address this information gap by conducting population genetic studies of bed bug infestations in the U.S. using microsatellite marker...

Use of Heat, Volatile Insecticide, and Monitoring Tools To Control Bed Bugs (Heteroptera: Cimicidae)

Detection and control of bed bugs can be challenging and alternative control methods are needed. Among new bed bug management techniques localized heat treatments, use of volatile insecticides and heat combination, and new detecting techniques using electronic sensors. However, management of bed bug...

New Approaches To Control Loxosceles Intermedia (Araneae: Sicariidae)

The integrated pest management (IPM) concept to reduce Loxosceles intermedia populations in homes may rely upon many strategies. In this work, a range of new approaches have been studied with the aim of controlling these brown spiders, which include observing and evaluating the following: the effect...

New Techniques For Subterranean Termite Control

Subterranean termites are important pests in the U.S. and many parts of the world. Most products available for subterranean termite control are registered in Florida and currently there are 76 products. Most are either repellent or non-repellent soil treatment products. In recent years the number of...

Transgenic Mosquitoes

For transmission of dengue virus and malaria pathogens occur, the causing agents of these diseases have to complete their developmental cycle inside the mosquitoes Aedes and Anopheles, respectively. Mosquitoes are therefore potentialweak links in dengue and malaria transmission. Genetically modified...

Environmental Education: a Key Factor in Urban Pest Control Programs

Education has been enrolled as a component of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs, but in fact it should be more than that. Urban pests are so intrinsically related to human life and habits that we can always find where, when and how people (or costumers) can act helping to change urban pest p...

Development of Future Strategies For Pest Management in Europe
Reiner Pospischil | Full Paper | 2011

Global warming together with global trade and tourism gives foreign organisms a lot of opportunities to enter Europe and to find suitable habitats to establish. A number of these species already have a status as pests in their native countries and now start to be of major concern in Europe. A growin...

Education and Training For Pest Control: Perspectives and Significant Points

Poor sanitation and housing, coupled with low coverage and quality of health services, leading to deterioration and worsening of the nutritional conditions of people. Without clean water and proper handling of waste in urban areas, increases the incidence of diarrhea and other infectious and parasit...

VBORNET Network: a Database and Maps of Arthropod Vector Distribution and Surveillance in Europe

To combat vectors and the public health hazards they represent, many European countries have established their own vector control programs. Such programs may benefit from a more standardized approach to enable to compare obtained results, share compatible data and tackle transboundary issues. The VB...

Vecmap, a One-stop-shop To Vector Mapping

Diseases carried by vectors such as mosquitoes or ticks are an increasing public health concern worldwide, yet often relatively little is known about their spatial distribution. Without a clear understanding of where the diseases or vectors are already present or which areas are vulnerable to spread...

High Incidence of Wolbachia Infection on Solenopsis (Hymeoptera: Formicidae) Populations From Urbanized Areas

Solenopsis ant genus has a worldwide distribution but species from S. saevissima species group native to South America, and popularly known as fire ants, have been introduced accidentally in several countries worldwide. Despite a high diversity species in the Neotropical region, their ecology and li...

Ant Community Structure (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Two Neighborhoods with Different Urban Profiles in the City of SãO Paulo, Brazil

The aim of this study was to compare the structure of ant communities in two neighborhoods (Itaquera and Vila Mariana) with different urban profiles in the city of São Paulo. It also aims to establish the relationship between habits of the residents, the state of conservation and cleaning of homes a...

Spatial Distribution and Density of Nylanderia Pubens (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) on Urban Lots

The tropical and subtropical super colony tramp ant, Nylanderia pubens, the Caribbean crazy ant (CCA), was originally described from the Greater Antilles Islands and now has spread throughout the Caribbean and South America. In 1950, CCA was first reported in Florida and now is spread throughout the...

Ants As Mechanical Vectors of Mycobacteria in a Hospital: Preliminary Data

To evaluate the potential of ants as vectors of mycobacteria in a hospital specialized in the care of patients with tuberculosis of the São Paulo State, Brazil, ants were collected from different areas between 2008 and 2010. Procedures for isolation and identification of mycobacteria were performed,...

Role of Tropical Greenhouses For Introduction and Establishment of Foreign Ant Species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Central Europe
Reiner Pospischil | Full Paper | 2011

Introduction of exotic ants to Central Europe plays an increasing role for the last twenty years caused by the growing world trade and short transportation routes. Particularly tropical greenhouses offer ideal conditions for ant species with high temperature and humidity preferences and with ability...

Can the Ghost Ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Select and Separate Food Inside the Body?

This investigation aimed at analyzing the passage of food inside the digestive system of Tapinoma melanocephalum. A water-soluble dye and a lipid-soluble dye were added to 3 different diets as tracers, to be later offered to different laboratory colonies of the ghost-ant. We collected 80 workers whi...

Evaluation of An Ant Bait against Linepithema Humile in Australia
Garry Webb | Full Paper | 2011

Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) has been present in Australia for approximately 100 years and has spread to many areas of temperate climate in southern Australia. Argentine ant has proven to be difficult to control under Australian conditions with the insecticidal products available up until now....

A Survey For Solenopsis Invicta Viruses (Sinvs) in Brazil

Solenopsis invicta viruses (SINVs) were surveyed in samples collected in municipalities of São Paulo and Minas Gerais States, Brazil, using a multiplex RT-PCR method. Species identification was performed by mitochondrial COI gene sequencing. All three SINVs described in the US were detected in Brazi...

Bioefficacy of Chlorfenapyr against American and Oriental Cockroaches, and House Flies on Wood, Concrete, and Vinyl Surfaces

This research was conducted to determine biological activity of Phantom SC (chlorfenapyr) on wood, concrete, and vinyl surfaces. The experimental design was a 3 x 3 x 3 factorial (3 treatments, 3 surfaces, and 3 insect-pests). Each experimental unit consisted of a rigid-plastic cage (109 x 49.5 x 17...

New Data on the Incidence of Household Arthropod Pests and New Invasive Pests in Zurich (Switzerland)

The Urban Pest Advisory Service (UPAS) is responsible for urban pests in the city of Zurich, Switzerland. We advise approximately 2’000 people per year who have questions or problems regarding arthropods and their control, we survey the pest situation in the city and control rats in public areas. Si...