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Pest Control Programs in Buildings of the University of Valencia, Spain

Author(s): R. Jiménez-Peydró, E. Corella-López, R. Bueno-Marí and J. Moreno-Marí
Year: 2008
The presence of pest species forces to realize actions that allow us to control their populations and makes more suitable spaces for the development of human activities into our buildings. Given the characteristics of the urban environments, in where man and pests share an almost permanent life together, the risks derived from the exposure to the pesticides are an important concern to man. The employment of pesticides in public buildings continues being necessary, therefore the design of control programs that minimize the potential risks associated with their use is a main objective. An adequate way is to reduce their employment and to limit them to those situations in which they turn out indispensable. The study which results are presented has the aim to estimate if it is possible to obtain a reduction in the applied insecticide quantities through an inspection program and periodic follow-up of the installations of the University of Valencia.
Poster Abstract