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ICUP Proceedings Search

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Showing 6 results

Controlling Yellowjackets In Urban Recreational Areas

Outdoor areas were monitored for two pestiferous species of yellowjackets, Vespula alascensis Packard and Vespula pensylvanica Saussure (Hymenoptera: Vespidae), in southern and northern California. Heptyl butyrate attracted V. acadica (Sladen), V. alascensis, V. atropilosa (Sladen), and V. pensylvan...

Controlling Invasive European Wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) In Australia With Bait

The efficacy of YJX-100 yellowjacket baiting system to control individual nests and to provide area-wide suppression of European wasps Vespula germanica was evaluated. The study was conducted in a disturbed urban tall grass habitat in Canberra, Australia in 2017. Six active European wasp nests were ...

Traps and Protein Bait To Suppress Populations of Yellowjackets (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)

Seasonal and annual intensity of foraging pestiferous yellowjackets in California (USA) was determined with wet capture traps using heptyl butyrate (HB) lure. Although 3 species were sympatric at every test site, the most abundant at > 85 to 90% of total was V. pensylvanica (Saussure). There was ...

Yellowjackets (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) in the European Part of Russia: Pest Species and Control Methods

Cases of undesirable contacts of people with yellowjackets on the territory of European part of Russia have become much more frequent recently. The yellowjacket pest problem rises usually in natural habitats of these insects changed as a result of a human economic activity (countryside plots, campsi...

A field study on the control of European wasp Vespula germanica (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) and paper wasp Polistes sp. (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) using a novel aqueous powder formulation

European Wasp, Vespula germanica (F.), was first noted in Tasmania in 1959, and in Victoria in 1977. It is now widespread over the cooler and wetter areas of the southern part of Australia. The Australian winters are mild, and whole nests can overwinter leading to high wasp populations in some place...

Craig J Seath | Full Paper | 1999

Vespine wasps forage routinely collecting wood fibres for nest construction, insects/insect larvae for protein and also for sources of carbohydrate. It has been suggested widely that, as the nest begins to age, wasps may be found to forage more aggressively for carbohydrate, becoming a nuisance to h...