All disasters have an impact on the health sector, whether due to the need to protect the population’s health during emergency situations and disasters. Availability and quality of the health information are very important, because they form the basis for understanding the fundamentals of health pol...
During a study conducted in north-west parts of Mazandaran province (around Caspian Sea areas), Paederus fuscipes was found. The adults Paederus started to appear in May and lasted until October. However they lived up to 12 months, and they spent 6-8 months in hibernation according to different loca...
Staphylinidae with 3000 species is one of the biggest families of Coleoptera. Paederus genus comprising 600 species are found in tropical and temperate climates. The majority of staphilinid beetles are predators of insect larvae and mites and nematodes and are regarded as biological agents to contro...
Ants can bite, sting and squirt formic acid. Usually the effects of the stings are mild but ants, like wasps, are capable of multiple stinging and this can induce anaphylactic shock. A few ants (such as Formica rufibarbis) are secondary hosts of Dicrocellium dentriticum in north and northwest of Ira...
Seasonal activity of adult mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) was studied using CDC light traps baited with CO2 during the period June 2003-June 2004 in Ar Riyadh City (Capital of Saudi Arabia). Four species of mosquitoes were collected; Culex quinquefasciatus Say, Culiseta longiareolata (Macquart), Ae...
Twenty one commercial insect repellent products, including 12 natural, 6 deet-based, and 3 other synthetic organic, were evaluated as larvicides and as oviposition deterrents of Aedes albopictus. Ten of the 12 natural products at 0.1% concentration provided 57-100% mortality of laboratory-reared 4th...
With respect to the technical, executive and ecological problems involved in residual spraying and along with changes occurred in Roll Back Malaria (RBM) Plan in malaria control, in present time, the strategy of using pyrethroid impregnated bed-nets has attracted the attention of the experts of WHO ...
The German cockroach is the most common cockroach found indoors, such as hospitals, homes, restaurants, etc. In hospitals, because of the presence of adequate food and living environment, they can develop into large population and live throughout the buildings. They can contaminate food with differe...
This study was carried out to determine the composition, distribution and abundance of arthropod fauna of an urban waste treatment plant near Milan, Italy, in order to identify some potential biological control agents for Diptera Muscidae. For five months, from June to October 2004, the arthropod fa...
Cockroaches are one of the most significant risks to public health. They carry some diseases such as gastroenteritis, typhoid, diarrhea, dysentery, poliomyelitis and salmonella. They may also play an important role in asthma. Certain proteins which act as allergens in waste products and saliva of co...
This investigation was carried out in several different parts of Iran during 1998-2001. Out of 9799 female Anopheles captured by different methods, An. fluviatilis comprised 35.5%, An. dthali 30.3%, An. stephensi 29.4%, An. sergentii 4.6%, An. culicifacies, An. turkhudi and An. superpictus were 0.2%...
he biological activities of permethrin and deltamethrin silica mixtures were studied. The effect of silica mixture depended on insect sex and age, type of insecticide and the amounts of insecticide added to the silica. Only a very low amount of deltamethrin added to silica 0.1 mg/g gave KD50 or KD95...
Neonicotinoids imidacloprid and thiamethoxam share a common mode of action. They are agonist of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, affecting the synapses in the central nervous system. These insecticides are gaining widespread use for controlling urban insect pests in Russia. They are insecticide...
The feeding responses of three urban pest ant species, Monomorium pharaonis (L.), Monomorium floricola (Jerdon) and Monomorium destructor (Jerdon) after being subjected to nutritional starvation and satiation (either for all nutrients, carbohydrate only, protein only or lipid only) were studied usin...
The genus Coptotermes is a member of the subfamily Coptotermitinae Holmgren of the family Rhinotermitidae. In Malaysia, Coptotermes travians was identified as the predominant termite pest (53%), followed by Coptoteremes curvignathus (28%). There are some complications on the taxonomic status of Copt...
Rodents are one of the main health problems in the cities, especially in ports. These animals make economic damages and are potential health dangers in Bandar Abbas, the main economic southern port of Iran. In this study, rodents were captured with live traps using tomato, cucumber and cheese baits ...
Indoxacarb is an EPA designated reduced risk insecticide. This study was to evaluate indoxacarb for its toxicity, non-repellency, and transmission as liquid termiticide against eastern subterranean termite, Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar). Toxic effectiveness and non-repellency were determined usin...
The introduction of termites into new areas is a potential threat given the magnitude of national and international commerce. We review a number of case studies that document exotic termites in the eastern U.S., with emphasis on two states, Ohio and Georgia. We discuss the value of employing a multi...
Mosquitoes in several species are well known to be serious vectors of epidemic diseases in the world. As a part of the basic survey to watch possible invasion of West Nile virus into Yokohama, one of the city with a big international port in Japan, mosquitoes were collected to elucidate their geogra...
Although there are few cockroaches in newly built or insecticide-treated buildings or houses, they enter from outside, increase in number and spread out widely as time goes by. To elucidate how German cockroaches distribute widely in such places, we previously investigated their horizontal movement ...
The current study, in three methods, topical application, surface contact (WHO glass jar) method and toxic baits, was designed to investigate the relationship between permethrin German cockroach (Blattella germanica (L.)) resistant strains and fipronil. Twelve German cockroach strains used in this s...
The Pharaoh’s ant is one of the utmost cosmopolitan pest species in the world. Its notoriety in bacterial transmission at hospitals through sterilized apparatus makes it an even more burdensome pest. Over the years, many studies on the control of this species had been conducted. This includes the us...
In recent years, different essential oils, distilled from various plant species, have been used to replace chemical pesticides. 1.8-cineole (eucalyptol) has been considered as insecticide; such active ingredient is present in a number of vegetal species and it reaches the greatest concentration in t...
The Monomorium orientale is a common pest ant species found infesting human structures. Although it is of relatively lower significance when compared with some other more predominant ant pests, its minute size makes invading human foodstuffs almost too effortless and thus, it is deemed a pesky nuisa...
A new and unique desiccant powder (N.I.C. 325) has proven effective in several large metropolitan areas in the United States for the control of a variety of urban pests including Cimex lectularius, Amblyomma americanum, Ctenocephalides felis, Recticulitermes flavipes and Coptotermes formosanus. The ...
The Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae), is the most economically important structural pest in the New Orleans metro area, Louisiana, U.S.A.. In 1998, two significant projects were initiated to determine the effectiveness of area-wide subterranea...
The management of the Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus, is critical to the economic well-being of the United States. Estimates of property damage, repairs, and control measures exceed U.S. $1 billion per year in the U.S., of which $500 million is incurred in Louisiana. In 1998, ...
This descriptive survey studied comparison of malaria cases, epidemiological and entomological serves, insecticides used and mean temperature, relative humidity and amounts of rain fall in a ten year period (1994-2003).The most important species of anopheline vectors include: Anopheles stephensi, An...
Rats ( Norway rat and roof rat ) and mice are commensal rodents, that is, they live in close association with human. Rodents cause numerous problems such as spread serious diseases, consume or contaminate food supply, carry ectoparasites which potentially spread diseases, start fires and cause great...
Field studies on a personal insect repellent formulation based on essential oils from Australian native plants were carried out against mosquitoes and Biting midges in Cairns, Far North Queensland, Australia and against Bush flies, Musca vetustissima in Quinalow, South West Queensland, Australia. Th...
The German cockroach, Blattella germanica (L.) and the Smooth cockroach, Symploce pallens (Stephens) are important cosmopolitan household pests which infest hotels, restaurants and apartments. Coprophagy is defined as the behavior of fecal consumption. It plays an important role in providing nutrien...
An attempt was made to evaluate the residual effect of deltamethrin 5% WP at recommended dosage of 25 a.i.mg/m2 on different local surfaces such as mud, plaster, cement, tile and brick walls as well as wooden and thatch roofs in a malarious area, Sistan & Baluchistan provinces, in southeastern I...
Rodents are able to transfer more than 35 diseases to human and also cause huge damages on the economy of many countries. Khoram-Abbad district is located in mountainous area, Zagrous mountain chains, Southwest of Iran. Due to presence of varying ecosystems in this district, many species of rodents ...
The number of organisms living within urban biocenosis increases. Assimilation of urban biocenosis by pests is a process of microevolution. It has limits. Qualitative limits are determined by the Vavilov law. Study of close species adaptation, we may predict adaptive potencies of all families. e.g, ...
Indoxacarb, with a novel mode of action, is in a new class of chemistry called Oxadiazines. The compound was registered in the United States in 1999 for agricultural uses and Dupont Professional Products is developing the compound for new uses in the Structural Pest Control industry. One of the firs...
Health status has a powerful influence on a child’s learning and how well a child performs in school. Children who suffer from parasitic infections or other diseases do not have potential for learning as healthy children. Therefore the attention to their health is vital. One of the most important ap...
We evaluated different traps with non-toxic liquid attractant compositions and surfactants for drowning trapped flying insects. For Drosophila spp. (vinegar fly) in field the most effective bait was: SmartWay Fruit Fly Trap (surface tension 22 mN/m, 100% drowned flies, ICB Pharma) > 960 Vector ( ...
Shape and characteristics in five domiciliary cockroach-feces Feces of domiciliary cockroaches often contaminate food or medicine packages. The presence of feces in foraging places is evidence of a cockroach infestation. The shape and other characteristics of feces differ among species. When they fe...
Papers discussing the rodenticidal effect of coumatetralyl on warfarin-resistant colonies of roof rat has not been published so far in Japan. The authors discussed the effects of bait formulation of coumatetralyl on warfarin-resistant and susceptible roof rat and the urban, wild roof rats caught in ...
The toxicity of granular ant bait formulations containing abamectin B1, orthoboric acid, or propoxur was evaluated in a series of laboratory experiments against American, Periplaneta americana (L.), and German, Blattella germanica (L.), cockroaches. LT50 values for American cockroaches ranged from &...
The ghost ant, Tapinoma indicum, is a well-known tramp species and is highly adaptable in its nesting habits where it readily settles outdoors and indoors. As a tropical species, T. indicum may be sensitive to extreme abiotic conditions such as low relative humidity and temperature. The objective of...
Coptotermes species subterranean termites are believed to have originated in Asia and have been transported around the world via infestations in the hulls of wooden boats and in lumber. Classification of Coptotermes species using morphological characters is difficult and complicated. This study repo...
Subterranean termites are wood structure destructor in both urban and agricultural sectors. Termite control comprises about 50% of the total business turnover of the pest control industry in Malaysia; which was estimated at RM40 million annually. Baiting is considered a rather new technique in Malay...
Application of insecticides to vegetation has become increasingly popular in mosquito control programs in recent years. However, there is very little data that addresses the efficacy of such treatments. This study evaluated the residual effectiveness of three pyrethroid formulations on vegetation ag...
Pachycondyla chinensis (Smith), is a Ponerine ant, endemic to Japan and parts of Asia. Although it has been established from Georgia to Virginia in the United States since at least 1874, it has received little attention here. In current literature of immunological studies conducted in Korea, in whic...