Pest Management Professionals had the opportunity to use new chemistry of non-repellent active ingredients (termiticides) for subterranean termite control. These active ingredients provide control through reduction of termite populations. The pest control industry has asked if the newer non-repellent termiticides may provide acceptable subterranean termite control with less than full-conventional treatments. This study was undertaken to evaluate the success of an innovative approach to treat structures with non-repellent termiticides using exterior perimeter plus localized interior treatments. In this study, 44 termite infested homes/structures were treated with fipronil (Termidor®, WG or SC ) using either an Exterior Perimeter Treatment (EP) or Exterior Perimeter plus Localized Interior Treatment (EP/LIT). The 95% of structures exhibited no termite activity within three months. Two structures had recurring termite activity but they were free from termite infestations after using localized interior treatments. All structures receiving EP or EP/LIT treatments exhibited 100% termite control through the course of this study. According to these data, Pest Management Professionals can expect to use 20-48% less diluted termiticide when using an EP/LIT approach versus a full conventional treatment. Further, it translates into economic savings, improved human safety and minimum environmental hazards.

Innovation in perimeter treatment against subterranean termites (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae)
Year: 2005
Keywords: subterranean termites, perimeter treatment, fipronil, termiticides
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