Study on the efficacy of some soil termiticides available in Thailand market was made in order to evaluate their effectiveness to prevent the invasion of subterranean termites living underneath the buildings. Two methods representing construction practices widely used in the country were experimented, Modified Ground Board Test (MGB) for houses with slabs on ground and Stake Test (ST) for houses with high posts. The study started in 1991 in the north east followed by the second test site in the central plain and the third and fourth in the south and the east accordingly. Synthetic pyrethroids are the majority termiticides used in this study (Permethrin, Cypermethrin, Alphacypermethrin, Deltamethrin, Bifenthrin and Fenvalerate). The Organophosphate group are Chlorpyrifos and Fenobucarb while the relatively newly-promoted products are Fipronil, Imidacloprid and Chlorfenapyr. Persistent organochlorine pesticides (POP) used for key comparison are Aldrin, Chlordane and Dieldrin. Results of the continuous yearly observations were tabulated and further discussed in detail.

Field trials in Thailand on the efficacy of some soil termiticides to prevent subterranean termites
Year: 2005
Keywords: subterranean termite, termiticide, termiticidal efficacy, prevention.
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