Management of subterranean termites for past years depends mainly on cyclodiene and organophosphorous termiticides. During those years, these chemicals appeared to be the most suitable chemicals for controlling subterranean termite. However, public concern regarding environmental and health issues caused a re-examination of the widespread use of these chemicals for termite control in the 1990's. This scenario has led to the search for new techniques and chemicals that are more environmentally acceptable. Recent studies show that field colonies of C. curvignathus and C. gestroi can be eliminated effectively by using a bait matrix containing hexaflumuron. In this study, noviflumuron packaged as an above ground bait, was studied for its effectiveness in eliminating C. gestroi infesting different types of premises. The result of the study shows all five colonies of C. gestroi succumbed to the effects of the toxicant (0.5% noviflumuron). The termites ceased foraging within 42 days (35 - 56 days) after consuming an average of 83.6 g (21.7 - 162.2 g) bait matrix or 0.42 g noviflumuron (0.1 - 0.8 g). In many occasions the termites died in the bait stations The time taken to eliminate the colony was comparable to that of 0.5% hexaflumuron; the amount of treated bait consumed by those termites, however, was less than that of hexaflumuron (30.5 - 217 g).

Field evaluation of noviflumuron for controlling Asian subterranean termite, Coptotermes gestroi (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae)
Year: 2005
Keywords: subterranean termites, hexaflumuron, noviflumuron
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