Since first identified in the 1980’s, Lyme Disease has become the most widely diagnosed vector-borne disease in the United States. Lyme Disease occurs from the infection of human and animal hosts by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. Infection of hosts results from the bite and completion of a successful blood meal by infected black-legged ticks (Ixodes scapularis). In cooperation with the USCDC, Bayer Environmental Science has developed the Maxforce Tick Management System® (TMS). This product provides direct control of ticks on the most important reservoir host of Lyme disease in the disease cycle, wild rodents. TMS delivers a topical application of fipronil to rodents that enter the station. One exposure to the delivery system will keep a target animal tick free for over 40 days. In development and field trials the TMS provided reductions of tick populations 60-80% in first year placements. Trials lasting two years and longer reduced populations of I. scapularis between 90-100%. The infection rate in sampled populations of I. scapularis fell from 25% to less than 2% during a three year trial period. TMS provides a significant contribution to tick management programs provided by pest management professionals (PMP’s).

A novel tick management system and its role in reducing the incidence of Lyme disease
Year: 2005
Keywords: lyme disease, black-legged tick, ixodes scapularis, fipronil
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