101Smart Ltd.


Author(s): Michael K. Rust
Year: 1999
Keywords: integrated pest management, exotic pests, insecticide resistance
Urban entomology has grown dramatically in the last 25 years and has attained a disciplinary status within the entomological and pest management community. As urban centers have grown throughout the world, the importance of the control of arthropods and insects associated with humans and their structures has taken on new significance. By the year 2010, nearly 56.5% of the world’s population will live within urban areas. Increased commerce and travel between urban centers have resulted in the widespread dispersal of exotic pests such as the Formosan subterranean termite, Africanized honeybee, Asian tiger mosquito and German yellowjacket. In the last 10 years, the concept of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) has drawn more attention. In addition to chemical applications, supplemental recommendations such as cultural control methods, sanitation, alternative technologies, and more environmental sensitive insecticides are now often considered. Our use of chemicals to control urban pest will continue, however, the development of specific formulations and use patterns to reduce exposure to non-target organisms and the environment will continue. In the future, we will utilize molecular biology to assist in the identification of populations of exotic insects and their origin, construct lethal elements to be incorporated in to pest populations, and examine and combat insecticide resistance mechanisms. The 21st Century promises to bring exciting new changes and developments to urban structural pest control.
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