101Smart Ltd.


Author(s): V. B. Sapunov
Year: 1999
Keywords: pesticides, evolution, ecology
Pesticides may be both of chemical and physical nature. Every pesticide may have two biological effects: specific and unspecific. For example, specific effect of juvenoids (chemical pesticide) is mutagenic effect on regulatory genes. Specific effect of ultrasound is increase of temporal variability. Unspecific effects take place at different structural level. At cellular level that is paranecrosis. At organism level that is stress. Population effect consists of increase of pests variability. The high variability is a good material for natural selection of pesticide - resistant strains. Ecological level effect deals with pattern of interaction between pest and other species. Under decrease of pest population by pesticides, the free ecological niche may be occupied by other organisms. They may be resistant for pesticide and being dangerous for agriculture. Usual practice of pest control takes into account physiological and public health study of pesticide, that is not enough. Effective use of pesticide needs effective predictive model of all its effects. Such logical and mathematical models needs use of both genetical and ecological data. Such an effective model would be demonstrated at conference.
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