The toxic effects, diagnosis and post-mortem picture of anticoagulant rodenticides were tested in Rattus norvegicus according to OEPP/EEPO No 13, series 10, 1982 method. Experimental animals were fed by a single dose (30 mg/animal) of tested rodenticides. Warfarin in concentrations 50 g/kg, 100 g/kg, 150 g/kg and 200 g/kg in bait. Bromadiolone and brodifacoum bait concentrations were 0.005%. The effectiveness of the tested rodenticides was compared also according to the occurrence of the first clinical symptoms and the day of death in experimental animals. The first clinical symptoms after administration of all three compounds appeared from the 3rd to the 4th day. We observed some similar clinical symptoms as: apathy, somnolence, immobility, food deprivation, later bleeding from nose, eyes, mouth and genitalia. Warfarin: dyspnoe and typical bleeding from nose, eyes, ears, mouth and genitalia. Death occurred from 7th to 15th day in conc. 50 g/kg in bait, from 6th to 15th day (100 g/kg in bait), from 7th to 15th day (150 g/kg in bait), from 8th to 15th day (200 g/kg in bait). Bromadiolone: strong pruritus, which caused several bleeding wounds and later scabs on neck and back. Death occurred from 4-8 day. For the post-mortem picture, large haemorrhages around vena jugularis and in abdominal cavum, normal size of liver and spleen and slight anemia of tissues were typical. Brodifacoum: did not differ from those of warfarin. The death appeared from 5th to 8th day and was caused by rupture of venas. The post-mortem picture was characterised by partly coagulated blood in thoracal and abdominal cavum, several haematomas in muscle around jugular, axillar, femoral venas and mesenterical venas, vena cava caudalis, truncus pulmonaris. Haematomas were observed also in testicular parenchyma and venas of epididymides.
Year: 1999
Keywords: warfarin, bromadiolone, brodifacoum, clinical symptoms, post-mortem
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