101Smart Ltd.


Author(s): Warwick Madden
Year: 1999
Keywords: coptotermes, chitin synthesis inhibitor, dusting
A dust containing 80% triflumuron, a chitin synthesis inhibitor, was tested for its efficacy in eradicating colonies of subterranean termites (Coptotermes spp.) in the Sydney-Newcastle area, Australia. Triflumuron is believed to act on a termite colony in the following way: first the queen stops laying fertile eggs and dies; secondly the early instar nymphs then the older instar nymphs die as they attempt to moult; thirdly the worker termites die leaving the soldiers which possibly starve in the absence of workers to feed them. Triflumuron dust was successful in eradicating six of seven termite colonies when 0.9-6.3 grams of dust were applied directly to tree nests of Coptotermes spp. Eradication took from 6 weeks to 12 months. Further studies investigated whether termites dusted in their workings, remote from the nest, would carry the triflumuron back to the nest and eradicate the colony. Aggregation devices (bait buckets) consisting of weathered timbers in a perforated container were placed on the ground, close to a known termite tree nest. Termites entered these bait buckets and were dusted. The nearby tree nest was monitored, using a temperature probe, to gauge colony health. Eradication of colonies took from three to 12 months. In three out of five nests more than one dust application was needed to achieve eradication, with one colony not.
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